
1954 Ford Advertisement

Power-Lift Windows. Ford is the only car in its field with push-button control of all four side windows! Fordomatic Drive. It’s the only “automatic” in Ford’s field that combines torque converter smoothness and the “Go” of an automatic intermediate Gear!

Five Power Assists that take the “drive” out of driving the ’54 Ford

With all the power assists you’d expect to find only in the costliest cars, the ’54 Ford really puts the fin in and takes the work out of driving.
Yet power assists only begin to tell Ford’s fine-car story! Ford offers a choice of new engines, too: a new 130-h.p. Y-Block V-8 and 114-h.p. I-block Six. Both are low-friction, deep-block engines which deliver increased “go” and greater gas savings. And you ride and steer easier with revolutionary new Ball-Joint Front Suspension.
Whatever your tastes and requirements may be, you’ll find a Ford model that truly “belongs”… in your family, and whatever you may drive.
Your Ford Dealer cordially invites you to Test Drive the ’54 FORD
Master-Guide Power Steering.
It does up to 75% of steering work yet leaves you with natural steering “feel” on straightways.
4-way Power Seat. It’s the only power sear in Ford’s field that goes up and down as well as forward and back at the touch f convenient controls. Swift Sure Power Brakes. They reduce the effort of braking by up to one-third… a real convenience in traffic that helps you stay relaxed while driving.
Power assists optional and extra costs.

Source: Unknown


1959 Ford Thunderbird

Ford Thunderbird ’59
The car everyone would love to own!

1959 Ford Thunderbird 2Unique in all the world

Merely say the word “Thunderbird” and you call up an image of distinction, elegance and sheer driving fun. hardtop or convertible, the 59 Thunderbird has a spirit, a personality that sets it apart from any other car in the world. Its physical features are no less remarkable…
Thunderbird’s compact size is unique. It looks hardly bigger than a racing car, yet under the distinctive visored Thunderbird roof are four luxuriously deep, individually contoured seats, with elegant room for everyone.
Thunderbird’s doors are exceptionally wide (4 feet, to be exact), and the front passenger seat folds all the way down. This gives you direct, easy access to the rear seats.
Thunderbird’s trunk is 5 feet, 5 incles wide – room enough for four big suitcases, golf bags, plenty of other gear.
Thunderbird’s exclusive console brings power window controls and ash trays within convenient reach of all passengers.
Thunderbird’s performance is provided by the standard 300 hp Special V-8. Also availale is the optional 350 hp Special V-8 – largest and finest in the industry, which makes the Thunderbird a peer of even the sports car field.
Thunderbird driving, handling and parking ease is, of course, unsurpasseed. The Thunderbord is so compact t can run rings around other luxury cars.
Your Ford dealer invites you to drive the 1959 Thunderbird. When you do, you’ll find it harder than ever to believe that this car, with all its unique advantages, costs far less than other luxury cars!

America’s Most Individual Car

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