Archive for March, 2010

1963 Rochester Carburetors Advertisement

1963 Rochester Carburetors Advertisement

for economy and performance…

Economy starts as the gas pedal! And with a Rochester Carburetor behind it, you need just a soft touch to make your GM car go the way it was built to go! That’s because Rochester Carburetors are individually designed and developed to fit exactly the requirements of each car’s engine. Rochester Carburetors provide touch and go performance, too. From pickup to highway speeds, your Rochester Carburetor gives you all the response you’ll ever want from your Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick or Cadillac engine! Rochester Products Division, General Motors Corporation, Rochester, New York.

America’s number one original equipment carburetors

Source: 1963 Ward’s Automotive Yearbook

1966 Volkswagen Advertisement

3000 B.C Somebody invented the wheel. It was round and funny. And since the road wasn’t invented yet, everybody laughed.

1875. The telephone. Who’d want to stand and talk to a box full of wires? They laughed.

1879. The electric light bulb. It was so dim, people had to use a gas lamp to see it. They laughed.

1877. The automobile sputtered down the road. The horse and buggy passed it like it was standing still. And it usually was.

1807. The first steamboat in America made it from New York to Albany in 32 hours. A small boy could have beaten it in a rowboat. They laughed.

1903 The airplane. Off it soared into the wild blue yonder; down it came 59 second later. They laughed.

1950. The Volkswagen Station Wagon. It was square on homely But it held almost twice as much as un-funny station wagons, took 4 feet less space to park, never froze or boiled over, and cost about half as much money to run.

The VW is still a pretty funny sight. And people are still laughing. But the laughter is dying down.

Source: 1966 Mechanix Illustrated